Uptick In Crime Has Omaha Police Keeping An Eye On Benson Area

Omaha Police say street gangs could be responsible for a recent outbreak of violence in the Benson area.

Omaha Police Captain Laurie Scott says they are stepping up patrols in Benson. “We’re going to provide extra special attention to that area through assignments enforcement saturation patrols just heavy addressing the area providing an extra police presence,” Scott tells 6 News.

People who live and work in the area say they’ve seen an increase in crime, from break-ins to shootings.

"You know this is a really nice neighborhood, we’re a very close-knit community, and to see this take place is really disheartening,” resident Tyler Miller tells 6 News.

The door of Heartland Barbeque had to be replaced because early someone threw a rock at the window last weekend. The intruders then broke into the restaurant.

6 News says the owners don’t keep any money in the building so the intruders found little to steal but they did cause more than a $1,000 in damage.

“I’ve lived here now two years and in the past weekend every weekend for the last three weeks there’s been some type of shooting" says resident Amer Mercado.

(Photo: 6 News)

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