Governor Ricketts News Conference On School Closing Guidelines

NEBRASKA - Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts was joined by members of the medical and business community Friday morning as to state guidelines regarding school closings.

Ricketts says, "As we approach 1 percent of the population that has the virus, that's when we will close down schools and large public venues. If that happens, we will consider closing schools for six to eight weeks." Individual schools districts can make the decision on whether to remain open or close.

Statistics show that five percent of those with coronavirus will need to be hospitalized. UNMC and the Public Health Lab have conducted about 90 tests and ten have come back positive. Health officials say while younger people tend to not have a severe reaction to the virus, closing schools is an important step in preventing its spread.

UNMC Chancellor Dr. Jeffrey Gold says, "This is truly an unprecedented epidemic. It creates unique patient challenges and public health challenges. The best we can do now is educate. Use the measures like vaccines and antivirals, which there currently are none for this disease."

Bryan Stone with the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry said businesses need to think about this and have clear plans in place in case an employee becomes ill. Businesses will have to be flexible as people may be called to take care of a sick family member. He says businesses must also do everything they can to prevent the spread of the virus.

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