Park Omaha will begin to reintroduce regular parking enforcement

After nearly two months of suspended on-street operations, Park Omaha is beginning to reintroduce regular parking enforcement and are asking long term parkers to return to their assigned off-street facilities.

Park Omaha says all parking violations, except for expired meters, will be enforced starting Monday. Safety violations such as obstructing traffic or a fire hydrant will result in an immediate citation, whereas other violations like overtime parking will result in one warning to be followed up with a citation upon the next infraction.

Payment at meters will be required starting June 1st. Park Omaha says those who fail to pay the meter after June 1st will be granted one warning citation before an actual citation is issued.

Shared curbside pickup spaces for downtown restaurants will be available in most areas for the time being. A map of these spaces is available on

Park Omaha suspended on-street operations on March 30 and set up curbside pickup spaces for essential businesses across the City.

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